Install mesheryctl

Meshery’s command line client is mesheryctl. To install mesheryctl on your system, you may choose from any of the following supported methods.


Install and Upgrade

Install mesheryctl command

$ curl -L | DEPLOY_MESHERY=false bash -

Install mesheryctl command and deploy Meshery on Docker

$ curl -L | PLATFORM=docker bash -

Install mesheryctl command and deploy Meshery on Kubernetes

$ curl -L | PLATFORM=kubernetes bash -

Install mesheryctl command and choose an adapter to be loaded.

$ curl -L | ADAPTERS=consul PLATFORM=kubernetes bash -



To install mesheryctl using homebrew, execute the following commands.

$ brew tap layer5io/tap $ brew install mesheryctl

You need to have brew installed on your Mac or Linux system to perform these actions.

You’re ready to run Meshery. To do so, execute the following command.

$ mesheryctl system start

Meshery server supports customizing authentication flow callback URL, which can be configured in the following way

$ MESHERY_SERVER_CALLBACK_URL=https://custom-host mesheryctl system start

mesheryctl uses your current Kubernetes context, your KUBECONFIG environment variable (~/.kube/config by default). Confirm if this Kubernetes cluster you want Meshery to interact with by running the following command: kubectl config get-contexts.

If there are multiple contexts in your kubeconfig file, specify the one you want to use with the use-context subcommand: kubectl config use-context <context-to-use>.


To upgrade mesheryctl, execute the following command.

$ brew upgrade mesheryctl

Example output of a successful upgrade:

➜  ~ brew upgrade mesheryctl
==> Upgrading 1 outdated package:
layer5io/tap/mesheryctl 0.3.2 -> 0.3.4
==> Upgrading layer5io/tap/mesheryctl
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/mesheryctl/0.3.4: 5 files, 10.2MB, built in 4 seconds
Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/mesheryctl/0.3.2... (5 files, 10.2MB)
Removing: /Users/lee/Library/Caches/Homebrew/ (3.9MB)
==> Checking for dependents of upgraded formulae...
==> No dependents found!



Using mesheryctl
$ mesheryctl system context create k8s -p kubernetes -s $ mesheryctl system start

Don’t have mesheryctl? Install with Bash, Brew, or Scoop.

Using Helm
$ kubectl create ns meshery $ helm repo add meshery $ helm install meshery meshery/meshery -n meshery

Not a Helm user? Use the Meshery manifests directly.

Using Manifests
$ git clone; cd meshery $ kubectl create ns meshery $ kubectl -n meshery apply -f install/deployment_yamls/k8s


mesheryctl can be installed via Scoop (a package manager for Windows, just like apt for Ubuntu). To install mesheryctl using Scoop, execute the following commands.


$ scoop bucket add mesheryctl $ scoop install mesheryctl

You need to have scoop installed on your Windows system to perform these actions.

You’re ready to run Meshery. To do so, execute the following command.

$ mesheryctl system start

mesheryctl uses your current Kubernetes context, your KUBECONFIG environment variable (~/.kube/config by default). Confirm if this Kubernetes cluster you want Meshery to interact with by running the following command: kubectl config get-contexts.

If there are multiple contexts in your kubeconfig file, specify the one you want to use with the use-context subcommand: kubectl config use-context <context-to-use>.


To upgrade mesheryctl, just execute the following command.

$ scoop update mesheryctl

Continue deploying Meshery onto one of the Supported Platforms.