Meshery Adapter for NGINX Service Mesh

Service Mesh Adapter Status Adapter Version Earliest Supported Mesh Version
NGINX Service Mesh stable v1.2.0

The Meshery Adapter for NGINX Service Mesh is currently under construction (stable state). Want to contribute? Check our progress.

Lifecycle management

The Meshery Adapter for NGINX Service Mesh can install v1.2.0 of NGINX Service Mesh service mesh. A number of sample applications can be installed using the Meshery Adapter for NGINX Service Mesh.


  1. Lifecycle management of NGINX Service Mesh
  2. Lifecycle management of sample applications
  3. Performance testing

Sample Applications

The Meshery Adapter for NGINX Service Mesh includes a handful of sample applications. Use Meshery to deploy any of these sample applications.

  • Emojivoto

    • A microservice application that allows users to vote for their favorite emoji, and tracks votes received on a leaderboard.
  • Bookinfo

    • Follow this tutorial workshop to set up and deploy the BookInfo sample app on Istio using Meshery.
  • Httpbin

    • Httpbin is a simple HTTP request and response service.
  • NGINX Servce Mesh Books

    • Application that helps you manage your bookshelf.

Identify overhead involved in running NGINX Service Mesh, various NGINX Service Mesh configurations while running different workloads and on different infrastructure. The adapter facilitates data plane and control plane performance testing.

  1. Prometheus integration
  2. Grafana integration

The Meshery Adapter for NGINX Service Mesh will connect to NGINX Service Mesh’s Prometheus and Grafana instances running in the control plane.