Using Metrics in Meshery

Connect and use metrics in Meshery

Meshery provides performance reports, including performance test results, node resource metrics etc. so that operators may easily understand the overhead of their service mesh’s control plane and data plane in context of the overhead incurred on nodes running within the cluster. In order to generate performance test reports of service meshes and their workloads, Meshery uses Grafana and/or Prometheus as visualization and metrics systems, respectively. This guide outlines the requirements necessary for Meshery to connect to these systems. The steps may vary depending upon the service mesh and its configuration.

In order to pull in these environment metrics, you can also manually configure Meshery to connect with your existing Grafana and/or Prometheus instances through the Meshery dashboard. Once they have been loaded and are displayed on the screen, you may also perform an ad-hoc test to check Meshery’s connection status.

Prometheus Charts

User needs to set the Prometheus URL and API key to create and query boards.

Prometheus Charts

Grafana Charts

User needs to set the Grafana URL and API key to create and query boards.

Grafana Charts

Dynamic Boards

Dynamic Boards can be generated from Prometheus or Grafana. These boards are defined by the user. Grafana SDK is used for these boards.

Static Boards

Static Boards capture the Service Mesh Performance. Certain protos are defined and tracked as a part of performance tests. Static Boards Queries Prometheus SDK directly.

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